Sunday, 26 September 2010

Day of Rest ??

Late night, 40th Party last night, in early hours..... still got up...

I start my duathlon training properly tomorrow but I thought before I even consider the training for the bike bit, Id better make sure I can still ride, havent riden a bike for years so I took myself off to see if I could at least stay upright without making a fool of myself!

Went to the local park that I normally do my running/jogging round to which is fairly flat ....and do you know what......its like riding a bike - you never forget !!

I managed to do 3 times round the park which is the eqivilant of 10k legs were a bit like jelly at the end and what started as a slight incline was a vertical climb at the end along with the headlong wind that I was riding into

But I stayed upright which was the aim of the game, and my training doesnt start at 10k it only starts off gentle and we have 20 weeks to do 16k in 1hr or less

At least I have all the cycling uniform so if I fall off at least I'll look the part !!

Training tomorrow let you know what im up to as regulary as I can

x x

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