Friday, 27 May 2011

Sorry, sorry and sorry again

WOW how long has it been ? and the longer that time has gone on the more things have happened and the more I have to let you know about and then I get all in a muddle trying to remember them all - I will write them all down and do a post on each of them probably not in the right order though - but me up to date in a nutshell is..... still good........toe hurt........toe doesnt hurt.........still training ....... oh with a bit of life juggled in along the way as the running/training season hots up there will be more posts and will bring you up to date... its one of those things though, been plodding along through the winter miserable months ready to emerge in the summer a beautiful toned, lean machine butterfly .......and I am ........until I wake up ! lol

Until next time - keep healthy x x

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