Tuesday, 12 October 2010

While the cats away Lol

Well we are down to 1 man (or woman) at the moment - Maz is tied up in family life, Joesgirl has shimmied over to Egypt to work - although its funny how she has to work as soon as the weather turns cold over here - hmmmmmm????

Only joking -

So its only ME at the moment and so I thought I would have a little spring cleaning (to go with my new years resolutions!) and to get some organisation to the blog (and before anyone notices !!).

Which when you think about it is what many people tend to do with diet and exercise - start off with a basic plan and then as your body adapts to the changes you constantly tweek the plans and improve them to hopefully get the maximum results.

Which leads me back to the blog - we started this as a personal account to see how far we have progressed and to look back and smile - It also helps US to all keep updated to what the others are doing we live near each other but not near (if that makes sense??) and with juggling life, jobs etc its hard to catch up as much as we would like sometimes- we have email-text-phone-twitter but this is somewhere that we can all refer back to, But now we are starting to make some progress and we have some readers to join us along the way - time to get organised.

As you can see the background has changed in preparation for a slightly different format and in the new year this will be followed up with tabs across the top so if you are interested in the races, all our posts relating to that will be there same with training etc.

so to co-incide with that we are going to try and cover certain topics on certain days so we will have:

Monday : Diet
Tuesday: Exercise/Training
Wednesday: Teamwork/Races
Thursday: Dreams/Aspirations
Friday: any magazine articles/tips that we have picked up along the way.

small print ! - subject to change !!!

SO thats the plan of action so far, bear with us and stick with us -

A journey begins with a single step

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Keep on running (and swimming and cycling)!

Ooo it's been a long time since I posted!!! I made it through my very first Triathlon in one piece (just about) and then 3 weeks later ran a 10k race IN THE POURING RAIN!!!
Now - time for a month working on my physiotherapy, then back to the newly updated and revised winter training schedule. I've had some expert advice and am inculding some more Tri-specific training sessions.

New Years Resolutions ..........In OCTOBER ???? - - - Continued .....

Ive had a think and here we are on 5th October 2010 and Im sorting out my New Years resolutions (cue streamers and drunken rendition of Auld Lang Syne !!!) - some achievable for next year some I know will take time - so maybe they should be classed as ambitions?? either way they will be in black and white so here they are, some fitness, some life in general - in no particular order:-

1. To continue with the fundraising - Ive given myself a target of £1000 for next year - not too sure on either one particular charity or to spread it out over various?

2. To continue on the healthy living track ( I hate the 'go on a diet on Jan 1st') if I waited and only did it once a year Id get nowhere ! - and I know that it is going to be a long, long road which will never end otherwise I'll end up back where I was which I am determined not to do.

3. To carry on supporting my friends in life, races, etc - this one is self explanitary

4. To Run a 1/2 marathon and FULL marathon - eeerrrrmmm.........I'll work on the full one, that one I'll give myself until im 40 so I have 3 years to build up to that one... the 1/2 I think will be achievable by the emd of next year ......if I give myself until Dec 31 st LOL!!

5. To Visit America - OK its not working or Living there but it's the next best thing - this one I know is achievable in 2012 as we are saving frantically for a NKOTB cruise for that year - assuming there will be a cruise that year so if I dont make this resolution it wont be on my part !

6. To continue on with my studying - I started an Open university degree in Social Care and due to medical problems missed a year, and then never got back to it so challenge is to go back and finish it.

And that is it to date if I think of any more Ill let you know, so as I said maybe not New Years Resolutions but that is my plan of action so far to fit in before I am 40 (3rd December 2013) - even though it sounds like im either having a mid-life crisis - OR trying to fit it all in before the BIG one !!

Monday, 4 October 2010

New Years Resolutions ..........In OCTOBER ????

Yes I know it is only October but 2 things happened this weekend .... nothing serious but just made me think.

1. I went to see the play Calendar Girls at the Liverpool Empire - Fantastic play - all about the antics of the members of a Womens Insitute posing nude for a calendar to raise money for a sofa in the relatives room of a hospice where one of the women' husbands died from Leukemia.

2. When waiting for the play to start I was chatting to my mum about my sister and what she is going to do when she finishes University in 2 years time - and she said that she wants to go to America to Work.

These 2 together made me look at my life ..... I no means regret anything that has happened in my life, I believe that things happen for a reason ... but it was ALWAYS me that wanted to live and work in America or Canada - even had the opportunity to go to the American College in London with the option of a placement in the States at the end, but I never took the opportunity and now my chance has passed, and I will have to now only visit.......

As I said everything happens for a reason, If I had gone I wouldnt have met my husband and had my children, who dispite having their 'moments' are the best thing to happen to me - but what else do we put off because we dont (for whatever reasons)take the chance or seize the opportunity??

In my case it was confidence....and years on I still have to work on my confidence but am all to aware of how quick time flies.

So thats where the resolutions come in..... What 5 things would I do dream as big or small as you can and thats what I m going to aim for....... so If I do my resolutions now I can get all the groundwork sorted with a timescale then come January 1st 2011 Im ready to Rock n Roll rather than thinking of them on the 1st then spending the next 6 months planning on what to do or just charging in like a bull in a china shop.......

So as soon as Ive made my list and plan of action i'll let you all know ......

x x NO REGRETS x x