Wednesday, 11 November 2009

UPDATES ......

So weigh in last week, stayed the same - but in my defense it was halloween and all those sweets are bad for the kids, and I DO always tell them to share !! so I am back to the grindstone this week with a vengence - I did however have my first measurements taken ( since being measured at the start)and have lost a total of 10.25 inches overall - my Gym instructor says that is is a better indication sometimes because as you are working out muscle weighs heaveier than fat so you may be staying the same but toning up more - So maybe it wasn't all those Halloween Sweets - hmmmm does that mean that I can use that excuse another week ??? dont think it will work in the new year - months after Haloween - but you never know !!

I may even be brave enough to post some pictures soon - if any of you know Donnie though I have the same interpretation of 'soon' lol

Until next time, take care x x x

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